
Top 4 Review Websites Every Aesthetic Practitioner Needs to Know

You may wonder how client reviews can influence your clinic's performance. How can you gather more favourable ones? What if a review is not so great? Which online platforms provide opinion-sharing opportunities? No need to worry. For your convenience, we have compiled the answers to all of these questions in the article below, and we encourage you to read on!

1. Can client reviews serve as an advertisement for my clinic?

Nowadays, we can find reviews on almost every website dedicated to some service, place, or professional. This indicates how essential this element is for a modern business. In the simplest terms, on a review website, people can freely share their impressions after purchasing a product, using a service, or visiting a certain place. Customer reviews for some people may be more credible than content posted by the company itself, as they are written based on real experiences. In the world of Medical Aesthetics, patient opinions are extremely important. Potential clients are looking for a clinic that inspires trust, and often the words of happy former patients may be the biggest support in making the final decision. What is more, a survey conducted by Software Advice found that 90% of respondents use reviews when choosing a suitable physician. For 71% of respondents, reading patients' feedback is the first step of their research. What is interesting, is that even negative reviews can be turned into opportunities.

2. How can I get feedback from patients?

Since it is so influential, make sure your clinic's patients share their favourable feedback with others. But how can this be done?

- Just ask! – in many situations, the simplest solutions deliver the best results. After the treatment is over, simply ask the client to write a few words about the experience.
- Take advantage of the available means of communication. You can contact the patient by email, phone, SMS, or even by WhatsApp once the final result is fully visible. This is when the feedback may be the most honest and reliable.
- Technology is your ally – even if it may seem a bit overwhelming at first. Some patient management platforms can be automatised to send an invitation to patients after a fixed amount of time, asking them to share their feedback.
- Don't hesitate to delegate – understandably, you would like to fully concentrate on what you do best – delivering treatments. In this situation, it is a good idea to delegate someone to seek feedback from former patients. It could be your receptionist… Or a specially trained InDesk agent who will transfer the words of your patients to the platform you prefer.

3. Now let’s have a look at some popular review websites.

- Everyone knows that Google is one of the most popular search engines in the world. When you type the name of a clinic into the search box on the right next to the search results, you will see a box with information from Google Maps – this also includes customer reviews, which are represented by stars. In addition, Google sources and displays reviews and ratings from popular review websites like Trustpilot or WhatClinic.

- Facebook has adopted a similar system – it is a very popular social media platform where users can leave their opinion about a particular company on a dedicated page. It is worth noting that it is one of the few social networks that give such an opportunity.

- Now it is time for the website, whose main purpose is to collect feedback from consumers who have recently used a service, purchased a product, or visited a clinic and are eager to share their experiences. We are of course talking about Trustpilot. The unquestionable advantage of this website is its reliability. It is also convenient to use. On Trustpilot, there is an option allowing users to find the top-rated representatives of a given category, including those from the medical industry. What is more, due to the site's popularity, it shows up high in Google search results. Last month, almost 48 million users visited the site.*

- One popular review website focusing on healthcare providers, is the worldwide medical directory, WhatClinic. This platform specialises in connecting relevant clinics and patients. In addition to verified customer reviews, WhatClinic runs its original consumer service ranking- ServiceScore. It is based on data regarding clinic-patient interaction, such as the response time.

4. Worried that your patients do not leave reviews? There is a remedy for this.

You have probably noticed that the number of reviews for your clinic has nothing to do with the actual number of your patients. The truth is, only a small fraction of your satisfied clients will take the time to post a review. Since 2014, the InDesk team has been perfecting techniques to obtain reviews on behalf of clinics. We do not just send emails. We also have direct conversations with patients to gather their reviews and transcribe their words ready for patient's confirmation and posting on major platforms. Specially trained InDesk agents know exactly how to communicate with patients so that their level of satisfaction is as high as possible. Despite appearances, this is an important motivator for a satisfied patient to provide feedback. InDesk will ensure that the excellent performance of your clinic is reflected in positive reviews.

How about you? Are you satisfied with the number of positive reviews? Unveil how virtual receptionist can help with receiving more reviews.


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Written by:
Maria Kamińska
Maria is a copywriter and a student of Applied Linguistics. She puts the knowledge of the team working at WhatClinic and InDesk into words to convey it to the audience in an approachable way. She is passionate about foreign languages, especially English, German, and Spanish. In her free time, she meets with family and friends, drinks good coffee or… writes.

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