indesk testimonials

Surgicare Aesthetics

"...their phone-taking skills are really good. The InDesk Aesthetic Receptionists are very polite, professional, and organised..."

london, uk

Listen to the whole interview with Prashant Patel:

Video Transcription:

About the Surgicare Aesthetics

Surgicare Aesthetics is a clinic renowned for advanced non-surgical procedures such as dermal fillers and non-surgical fat reduction with branches located in London Marylebone, London Barnet and Birmingham. The clinic is run by a team of experienced and highly qualified doctors, who believe in providing safe service, that promotes natural results.

Challenges and Solutions

“Sometimes I would get like 10 or 12 phone calls a day, and it can be difficult to keep up with them. Or you might miss a call, and then you have to call the patient back, and they don't pick up, so that was a challenge.
I just couldn't handle it all the time.”

Before working with InDesk, Prashant struggled with the lack of time from all the responsibilities that come with running a clinic. Our receptionists are changing that, taking care of his clinic's patient communication from all sources.

...their phone-taking skills are really good. [The InDesk Aesthetic Receptionists] are very polite, professional, and organised in the way they answer questions.

The Aesthetic Clinic Receptionists from InDesk provide patients with smooth, pleasant, and effective communication.

If you had your own receptionist, you'd be paying a lot more money [than with InDesk]. You also get really good availability.”

Among the advantages of working with InDesk Receptionists, our clients mention saving money and great availability.