
Hiring a Remote Receptionist for Your Aesthetic Clinic. Is It Worth It?

The phone is constantly ringing, the email inbox is full and on top of that, a patient has forgotten about their appointment leaving you with a hole in your daily schedule? To handle all these aspects and at the same time take care of patients and carry out treatments is a lot of work. For this reason, it is essential to get a receptionist to handle the operations of your clinic effectively. This way, communication with patients is carried out in real-time, clients receive reminders about treatments, deposits are collected promptly, and more. As a result, your clinic is better organised, patients are looked after, and you can focus on what is important to you.

The job of a receptionist requires a combination of many qualities and skills. These days, you hear more and more about outsourcing front desk assistants and remote receptionists. But is selecting this type of employee really a good decision? And if so, how does working with an InDesk Agent differ from hiring a traditional receptionist? You will find out everything in this article. Read on!

1. Onboarding a New Receptionist

When hiring a traditional receptionist, you have to consider that the operation of your clinic, and sometimes the whole aesthetic medicine industry, can be a mystery to this person. It will be on your shoulders to introduce them to everything and arrange their training. This means that you need to invest your time to prepare the new employee to start working and, as a result, have fewer patients treated, which may have an impact on your clinic’s revenue. 

Remote receptionists can resolve these issues. It will be better for you and your clinic to choose a remote receptionist who specialises in the medical field, or even in medical aesthetics, like the InDesk Aesthetic Receptionists. That way, you will spend less time training your new employee. As remote receptionists work with clinics similar to yours, they know what it is like to work in such a place, and you will need to share with them only some details of how your own clinic operates. You also don't have to worry about organising the whole onboarding process. A dedicated account manager will take care of all the details, arrange meetings with you and will make sure agents are ready to provide the highest level of service to your patients. With InDesk, you can enjoy maximum results with minimum hassle.

2. Communication Skills

Talking to a potential client in the aesthetic industry requires a lot of tact. After all, health-related issues can be touchy. All receptionists, including remote ones, should have high-level communication skills and know how to handle sensitive information (learn more about this subject from this article). They should also be trained in soft skills because this is what makes communication with patients effective and enjoyable. When you opt for InDesk, your contact with patients will be handled by experts in communication who have undergone a series of training sessions before starting to work for your clinic. In addition, remote receptionists from InDesk have valuable experience because they work for many similar clinics. This kind of background is extremely valuable, given that some things can only be learned through practice. 

3. In-House vs Outsourcing

Hiring an in-house employee involves a series of costs. A clinic has to pay for additional tools for the receptionist, financial benefits, paid leave, take care of health insurance, taxes, and more. By outsourcing your receptionist, you get a series of benefits along with quality service and expertise. 

What are the advantages of outsourcing your receptionist?

  • - You reduce the employment costs compared to regular in-house hiring. Remote agents cost less due to economies of scale.
  • - Cooperation with a remote receptionist is more flexible. They will take care of your calls when you are focused on carrying out treatments, spending time with loved ones or relaxing. 
  • - Remote receptionists specialise in Medical Aesthetics and have experience working with similar clinics, which shortens the onboarding stage. 
  • - Your patients can also contact your clinic after opening hours. You get an extended working schedule. 
  • - You don't have to worry about unexpected absences, sick leave, or holidays. You'll always have a receptionist ready to help your patients. 

4. Savings

According to, the average wage for a medical receptionist is around £10/h. The cost of employing a remote InDesk receptionist is almost five times lower (see pricing plans here). The assistance of a front desk assistant is valuable and definitely improves the day-to-day running of the clinic, saving you a lot of time. It is worth investing in a receptionist to make the running of the clinic smooth. For new clinics that have a limited budget, a remote receptionist sounds like the best choice.

5. Flexibility

Responding to patient enquiries only from 9 am to 5 pm may not fully meet the needs of your clinic. A survey we conducted showed that many potential clients also call during the evening hours and on Saturdays. The traditional receptionist is likely to be off by these times, and you are left with the phone ringing and patient enquiries to deal with if you want patients to get answers quickly. Working with InDesk gives you the comfort of being able to choose what hours and on what days an agent's assistance will be most beneficial to you. Whether you need a receptionist 20 or 68 hours a week, Our agents operate:

Monday to Friday: 8.00 – 20.00

Saturday: 9.00 – 17.00

6. Onboarding a new Medical Aesthetic Receptionist

Aesthetic medicine is a vast and progressive field. Without dedicated research, working as a receptionist in a clinic of this kind can be quite a challenge. In the case of a traditional receptionist, you will probably have to take care of training a new employee yourself. However, the InDesk service was created with this specific industry in mind. By subscribing to InDesk, you are deciding to work with a team that has been created with your business in mind.  

Certainly, hiring a receptionist allows you to delegate some of your duties and, as a result, generate time for what is important to you. Working with InDesk is a decision that can benefit your career but also your private life, allowing you to have stress-free weekends and calm evenings away from thinking about work. Don't be afraid to make the right decision and contact us!

Written by:
Maria Kamińska
Maria is a copywriter and a student of Applied Linguistics. She puts the knowledge of the team working at WhatClinic and InDesk into words to convey it to the audience in an approachable way. She is passionate about foreign languages, especially English, German, and Spanish. In her free time, she meets with family and friends, drinks good coffee or… writes.

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