
How To Attract New Clients to Your Aesthetic Medicine Clinic? 8 Great Tips from the Expert InDesk Team

Have you been having trouble attracting new patients to your clinic lately? Or maybe you just want to get more prospects? Either way, you are in the right place. After years of working with clinics from all over the world, the InDesk team has put together a handful of useful tips for medical practitioners. In this article, you will find advice regarding online activity as well as the day-to-day operation of the clinic. If you want to present your business to a new audience, we invite you to use our tips:

1. Be active on social media

Social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook are no longer just for connecting with friends or sharing holiday pictures. They are now a vital part of many businesses that want to establish their company image, maintain relationships with existing clients, and gain the interest of potential ones. If you are interested in achieving these goals, you can take some time each day to post on your social media channels.

Here are some suggestions about the content:

  1. Before and after photos to show the results of the treatment
  2. Posts to introduce yourself and your staff members
  3. Information about cutting-edge equipment and technologies
  4. Tap into worldwide events
  5. Informative videos of how treatments are conducted
  6. Testimonials of happy clients
  7. Answers to common questions (FAQ)
  8. Doctors talking about treatments

In addition, it is quite important to reply to comments and engage with your followers. In other words – be active.

2. Make the most of TikTok's popularity

The latest addition to the list of the most popular social media platforms is TikTok. The content presented there consists of various videos covering all kinds of topics. This diversity means that every user can find something relevant there.

  1. Algorithmic Magic: The algorithm knows exactly what resonates with the users and displays it. So, if someone is interested in dermal fillers, TikTok will show videos related to aesthetic treatments!
  2. UK's TikTok Influx: Notably, eMarketer's 2020 data disclosed that in 2020, 8.5 million people from the UK were part of the TikTok user base.
  3. Beyond Attention-Grabbing: Use TikTok to show how your clinic operates from the inside and introduce a more casual side of your staff to the audience. The content you share can also be informative or educational.

3. Everybody loves prizes

Have you ever entered a competition to win a prize by following an Instagram account, commenting, and tagging a friend? Even if you have not, you have certainly seen some competition posts online. The popularity of this marketing trick is no coincidence.There's a reason behind the widespread popularity of this marketing strategy.

Why Competitions Work:

  1. Easy Entry: Usually, to take part in a competition, you have to follow specific profiles and share information about them on your social media.
  2. Tag and Share: Additionally, you're encouraged to tag potential participants in the comments, extending the contest's reach.
  3. Cost-Effective Campaigns: The possibility of winning a prize is an attractive incentive for the audience and, just like that, the competition organiser can create an advertising campaign at a relatively low cost, which is, in addition, self-sufficient.
  4. Organic Reach: By interacting with the post, following, liking, commenting, and tagging, the post will reach more people and this will organically increase the reach of the contest and your clinic's online presence. It is a win-win situation.

4. Write about it!

Blogs can be a great source of information as they often provide answers to commonly asked questions. They are also an important business tool that can provide your clinic with a number of benefits, like:

  1. Establishing authority in the industry
  2. Providing a new space for advertisement purposes
  3. Showing your expertise and experience
  4. Building relationships with your audience
  5. Marking your online presence
  6. Gaining new clients

If you want to learn more, read our article about 6 Benefits of Blogging for Your Aesthetic Medicine Clinic

With valuable posts that provide informative articles, you can lead the reader straight to your clinic’s website to contact you and book an appointment. After all, if you write about it, you must be a professional! In addition, you can inform your readers about news from your clinic and interesting facts from the beauty industry.

5. What clinic? Your clinic!

Another great tip is that you can always turn to online directories. One of them entirely dedicated to the medical industry, including clinics providing aesthetic treatments, is

Many people search for healthcare providers on medical directory websites. In addition to information about location, prices, and services offered, also shares client reviews and customer service details. The main advantage of such a system is that your clinic’s profile will be introduced to patients who are the most interested in it and are likely to contact you and make an appointment.

6. They are talking about you? Great!

In fact, they can be very beneficial. Imagine a group of friends meeting up for coffee. One of them has recently undergone a treatment offered by your clinic and is delighted with the result. What do you think will be the main subject of their talk?

Word of mouth is one of the largest sources of enquiries for clinics. This is why it may be a good idea to introduce a referral system – when another client shows up at your clinic on the recommendation of a former patient, they both get a discount on a treatment of their choice. The possibility of saving money can be a great motivator.

7. Show up at exhibitions

Exhibitions and trade fairs create a great opportunity for:

Networking: Expand your connections with other professionals.
Stay Informed:
Learn about the latest news from the world of Aesthetic Medicine, and enable you to take part in interesting conferences.
Expanding Your Reach: Reach an entirely new audience by showcasing your offerings to attendees.

These types of events are attended only by people interested in Aesthetic Medicine, so it is usually a sales-enhancing environment. You can easily find exhibitions focused on B2C as well as B2B. Below, you can see a list of events that may be worth taking a look at:

  1. CCR London
  2. Aesthetics Conference & Exhibition
  3. FACE Conference
  4. Aesthetic Conference & Show London | Aesthetic Medicine Live

8. Feedback from clients is important

Very important indeed. Reviews are often the reason a person searching for information about a clinic online decides to call it and make an appointment. Therefore, it is good to ensure that there are as many of them as possible. But what if they are not all positive? Luckily, you can find a whole article on dealing with negative feedback here.

To gain new reviews, you can ask your patient for it directly after the procedure, in an email or over the phone… or simply leave it to the InDesk agent that will take care of it for you.

The above list indicates with no doubt that online activity has become an essential part of modern marketing. It may be worth remembering this and putting some of our tips into practice. Of course, this requires time. If this is a scarce commodity for you, please consider using the services of InDesk and let us take care of the communication with patients while you take care of the growth of your clinic.

Written by:
Maria Kamińska
Maria is a copywriter and a student of Applied Linguistics. She puts the knowledge of the team working at WhatClinic and InDesk into words to convey it to the audience in an approachable way. She is passionate about foreign languages, especially English, German, and Spanish. In her free time, she meets with family and friends, drinks good coffee or… writes.

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